Helping people all over the world!
Here are the organization’s supported by members of Righteous Crowd since launching in December 2018
The Negev's Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Support Center
Fostering sustainable and vibrant Ugandan communities
Receiving surplus and donated goods and redistributing them to neighbors in need
social impact - training - dignity - sustainability - mobile hygiene units
Rather than offering at-risk youth help, we ask them to help others
Empowering Refugees through Culinary Education
Addressing Issues of Mental Health and Substance Abuse in the Jewish Community
Providing Kosher Food for Those in Need
Restoring Dignity and Self-Respect to Women
Empowering the Elderly through Art in Jerusalem
Professional Training for Adults with Learning Differences
Dedicated to Ending Modern Slavery and Trafficking
Israeli Innovations Saving Lives in Africa
Promoting the Wellbeing of Babies and Young Children
Empowering Orphaned and Vulnerable Rwandan Youth