Plant It Forward and Swipe Out Hunger
Join in supporting
This month, we are donating to two different organizations and hope that you will join us in supporting them. Links to donate are included below.
We want to wish everyone a Happy Purim!
This month, we are donating to two organizations and hope that you will join us.
Organization #1: Swipe Out Hunger
The Cause: Ending college student hunger
The Reason: One of the mitzvot of Purim is to give matanot l'evyonim, gifts to the poor.
The Big Idea: Swipe Out Hunger is a leading not-for-profit addressing hunger among college students. Swipe Out Hunger was supported by Righteous Crowd most recently in August 2020. As the pandemic has unfolded and colleges and universities around the country have shifted their operations, thousands of students are facing exacerbated financial, academic and personal crises.
To Donate to Swipe Out Hunger, click here.
Organization #2: Plant It Forward
The Cause: Giving refugees an opportunity to become self-sufficient through farming
The Reason: brought death and destruction to Texas. Plant it Forward's farmers lost 75% of their crop and irrigation materials. Please read this article about the important work of Plant It Forward.
The Big Idea: Plant It Forward offers economically disadvantaged refugees an opportunity to become self-sufficient through growing, harvesting and selling produce from a sustainable urban farm in Houston. Each farm has the potential to generate a fair wage for a family of four while providing premium brand sustainably-grown produce to Houstonians.
To Donate to Plant It Forward, click here.
Click here to learn more about Purim.
To see all organizations that Righteous Crowd has supported, click here.