ScentsAbility on Righteous Crowd this Week!



Lighting the Path to Independence for Adults with Disabilities

Inclusion is an important theme in this week’s Torah portion, Terumah. God tells Moses to include all Israelites in the building of the the Mishkan (Tabernacle), a portable sanctuary for the Israelites to pray in as they wandered in the desert. February is also Jewish Disability Awareness and Inclusion Month so we are supporting an organization which offers workplace opportunities for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD).  

Read our interview with ScentsAbility Founding Director, Director of Community Outreach & Advocacy, Bonnie Schmidt. 

Why did you decide to start ScentsAbility?
I have a daughter with intellectual disabilities (I/DD) and at the age of 22 there were no options for a meaningful day for her. I started ScentsAblity to fill the gaps in government services with “whole-person” solutions for adults (22-65 years old) with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) in Broward County, Florida. ScentsAbility provides an alternative to institutionalized and mindless tasks, providing adaptive strategies to ensure adults with I/DD can lead an ‘ideal life’ and work, live and play with solutions that align with this era.

What's the best part of your job and why?
The best part of my job is seeing the pride and happiness of our employees and participants when they achieve success. The unemployment rate for this population is over 80% nationwide and it feels amazing to help even a small percentage follow their dreams. We are proving that those with I/DD have value and can work in a meaningful position and live a full life with just a little help.

Who has inspired you in the work that you are doing?
My daughter, Jessica, is my inspiration and motivation for starting ScentsAbility. Jessica has completely identified with her role and ScentsAbility has given purpose to all of the adults that have worked and participated in the job training program. We see incredible changes as those individuals with I/DD work and participate in community events.

To buy candles and learn more about ScentsAbility, click here.

Amy Benarroch