Miracle Foundation on Righteous Crowd this Week!

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Miracle Foundation

Empowering Orphaned and Vulnerable children

This week’s Torah portion, Mishpatim, includes a wide variety of obligations, guidelines, and prohibitions. One of the most important rules we read is the commandment to not mistreat orphans, widows, and strangers. In this spirit, we are supporting Miracle Foundation, an organization that helps enroll orphans in schools, place them in families, teach them life skills education, and more.

Thanks to Noah Sher, eigth-grader at the Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School of Rockville, MD, for contributing this week's lesson. Righteous Crowd has partnered with the Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School (CESJDS) in selecting this week's organization. The eighth-graders at CESJDS were tasked with looking at the core ideas from Mishpatim, finding relevant not-for-profit organizations, then presenting their findings to the entire 8th grade class as part of their philanthropy unit. Ultimately, Miracle Foundation was selected.

To date, Miracle Foundation has: 

  • Empowered more than 13,500 orphaned and vulnerable children around the world

  • Placed more than 646 children with safe, loving families

  • Sent 351 children to college

  • Provided 840 children computer literacy training

  • Served 13,000+ children with mental health support or life skills training to process their grief and trauma

Read our interview below with CESJDS eighth graders Noah Sher and Ellie Meyerstein.

Why did the eighth-graders decide to select this organization?
We think it is really important that kids living in orphanages have a second chance. They should be able to have a family and get an education just like other children. Miracle Foundation gives them and their families that chance. 

How would you connect the work this organization is doing to a Jewish text?
“Support the widow, orphan, and stranger” is one of the most frequent refrains in the Tanakh (bible). This program aims to change the lives of orphans.

What are some non-monetary ways for others to get involved in this organization or cause?
Other ways to support Miracle Foundation are to do fundraisers and volunteer in their Austin, Texas office. Both of these methods have a very big impact and can help a lot of people. 

What has inspired you to support this organization?
We were impressed by the focus on data and on education to improve the lives of the orphans. Education is really important to us and we think a good education can change the path of someone’s life.

What has surprised you about Miracle Foundation?
We were surprised by how many people Miracle Foundation has helped. They give children the education that they need while trying to find them a family to support them. 

To learn more about Miracle Foundation, click here.

Amy Benarroch