Social Delivery on Righteous Crowd this Week!
Social Delivery donating goods to nursery homes in Israel.
Social Delivery
Turning Trash into Treasure
In this week’s Torah portion, Ki Teitzei, we read many of the 613 commandments. One in particular reads: "[When you reap your harvest] and forget a sheaf in the field, you may not go back for it. It must be left for the stranger, the orphan, and the widow." Inspired by this commandment, this week’s organization values both reducing waste and helping those in need. Social Delivery is an organization based in Israel that collects items such as furniture, clothing and electrical equipment that would likely end up in landfills, but instead ensures they go to people who need them the most.
Thank you to Israel-based Righteous Crowd member Jackie Zitelman Horvitz for recommending Social Delivery!
Righteous Crowd supported Social Delivery in September 2019 and interviewed CEO and Founder Tomer Shemesh.
What is the mission of Social Delivery?
Social Delivery strives to eliminate loss of valuable resources and excess waste by collecting high quality surplus items from Israeli companies and delivering the items directly to nonprofits in Israel. While hundreds of families, senior citizens and those in poverty are in desperate need of new clothing and furniture, tons of surplus goods from various industries (textile, tourism, furniture, etc.) are disposed of on a weekly basis. Social Delivery aims to fix this problem.
Why did you decide to start Social Delivery?
I find it difficult to see the imbalance in the world between consumerism on one side and poverty on the other, I decided to take advantage of my knowledge and personal experience in the field of logistics and operations in an attempt to solve this problem.
COVID-19 Summary of Emergency Operations
Tomer let us know that during COVID-19, Social Delivery has worked tirelessly and thus far, often with partners, has delivered over 400 truckloads of supplies valued at over $3.5 million in the following areas:
Collecting and distributing toys (the most extensive toy collection ever to take place in Israel. The boxes were delivered to children throughout Israel - children in the corona wards of hospitals, at-risk children, poor families and children of foreign workers.)
Collecting and distributing food baskets
Giving TVs to elderly individuals in quarantine
Donating computers to youth to allow them to study remotely
Supplying clothing and electronics to nonprofit organizations and welfare agencies
Delivering medical and hygiene supplies to nursing homes throughout the country
Read further about Social Delivery's inspiring work during the pandemic.
Watch this 90 second video about Social Delivery here from ROI & Nas Daily.
To learn more about Social Delivery, click here.