Little Essentials on Righteous Crowd this Week!
Little Essentials board and staff help new and expectant families with newborn essentials at a community event in Brooklyn.
Little Essentials
Serving NYC families in need
This week’s Torah portion, Shemot, tells the story of the Hebrew midwives, Shifra and Puah. When Pharaoh commanded all Hebrew newborn sons be killed, these midwives refused to obey this order, risking their own lives. In honor of this courageous act, this week, we are featuring an organization that offers at-risk families living in poverty urgently needed children’s supplies and parenting education. Little Essentials promotes the well-being and safety of babies and young children in New York City.
Read our interview below with Righteous Crowd Member and Little Essentials Board Chair Rachel Weinstein White. This is the second time Righteous Crowd is featuring Little Essentials.
Why and when did you decide to get involved with Little Essentials?
I started volunteering with Little Essentials when I was home on maternity leave with my middle child. I knew that I was fortunate to have everything I needed for my own kids (clothes, stroller, car seat, etc.) - and I was struck by the inequality of this, knowing thousands of fellow Brooklyn mothers didn’t have basic necessities. I found Little Essentials in a google search!
How would you connect Little Essentials to a Jewish text or value?
Little Essentials collects baby and kid items from families who no longer need them, and we give them to families who do. The Tzedek, or justice, of this seemingly simple yet deeply impactful exchange really resonates with me. When families in relative comfort donate goods or money to those who have less, the act is real Tzedakah, real righteous giving. Finally, our entire operation is basically a giant recycling program-so practicing Ba’al Tashchit (not wasting) is a huge part of what we do.
Who has inspired you in the work that you are doing?
My own kids inspire me to do this work. I’m reminded, every day, of how lucky they are to have safety, security, and comfort in their daily lives. I want that for every child- because every single child deserves it.
What are some non-monetary ways for others to get involved in your organization or cause?
Little Essentials always needs volunteers in our warehouse to sort incoming donations! It’s really satisfying work, actually. Our amazing volunteer coordinator manages individuals, community and corporate groups, and even students. And the cornerstone of our program is our collection of baby and kid items, and we always need donations! Our website lists warehouse drop-off times and local drives. (If you don't live in the NY area, find a similar organization in your community or start your own.)
To learn more about Little Essentials, click here.