Jason Sheer, Rebuilding Together MC Volunteer
Jason Sheer (far right) volunteering with Rebuilding Together MC.
Rebuilding Together Montgomery County (MC)
Repairing Homes and Revitalizing Communities
Tomorrow in Parshat Naso, we receive the famous three-part Priestly Blessing – “The Lord bless you and protect you! The Lord deal kindly and graciously with you! The Lord bestow His favor upon you and grant you peace!” (Numbers 6:24-27) In a manifestation of that grace, kindness, and protection, Rebuilding Together Montgomery County works to support the most basic of protections: a safe and adequate home. RMTC provides critical home repairs, energy efficiency upgrades, and accessibility modifications for our most vulnerable residents – seniors, veterans, persons with disabilities, and families with children, all living in low-income households.
We thank the 8th graders at the Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School and Jewish text teacher Rachel Meytin for contributing this week’s lesson.
We are so pleased to interview Jason Sheer of Maryland who together with fellow B’nai Israel members volunteer at Rebuilding Together MC.
How did you decide to get involved with Rebuilding Together MC?
I have always liked building and had wanted to give back to the community by using my skills. I found this organization through B'nai Israel Congregation and really appreciated the mission and the way that it worked with organizations to help people in the very community that we all live in. I also think that a home in good working order is a necessity for those to build a stable environment through.
What’s a story that inspired you while volunteering with Rebuilding Together MC?
Just recently, we worked on a home for an elderly lady who was not able to keep up with the repairs in her home and did not want to move out of her home at this stage in her life. She called upon Rebuilding Together and we were able to improve her quality of living in her home by painting, changing light fixtures and general mechanical repairs which completely transformed her home and her outlook on life. She never thought that she would be so lucky to find help so that she would not be displaced.
What are some non-monetary ways for others to get involved in this organization or cause?
Quite honestly, they need labor. Skilled or unskilled alike can work side by side to help fix or rehabilitate a home. [Please note that there are Rebuilding Together affiliates in 37 states and DC so you can volunteer as well.]
To learn more about Rebuilding Together MC visit www.rebuildingtogethermc.org.
To learn more about Righteous Crowd visit www.righteouscrowd.org