During this week’s celebration of Purim, we read about Queen Esther, who proudly and bravely stands up to King Ahasuerus, ultimately saving the Jews from the evil Haman. In honor of Queen Esther, we are excited to support Digital Girl, a Brooklyn-based organization that that works with inner city youth, especially girls, to learn and pursue activities and careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM).
In the Talmud, we read “when the month of Adar arrives, happiness increases.” With next week’s celebration of Purim (during the Hebrew month of Adar), we are excited to feature an organization that brings joy to more than 200,000 hospitalized patients per year through therapeutic medical clowns in Israel.
In honor of International Women’s Day being celebrated today, we are featuring an organization that works to restore dignity and self-respect to women. Additionally, one of the mitzvot (commandments) of the upcoming holiday of Purim is to give to those in need. I Support the Girls collects and distributes donations of bras and feminine hygiene products to homeless women and girls across North America.
In Vayekhel, Moses gathers all Israelites to construct the Mishkan (Tabernacle) under chief artisan Betzalel. We learn about the elaborate artistic descriptions of the materials, colors and patterns used. This week, we are featuring an organization that uses art to empower and support elderly individuals in Jerusalem.
This week’s Torah portion, Tetzaveh, describes the Ner Tamid or the eternal light that hung over the ark in the Mishkan (Tabernacle). It states that it was not only the responsibility of the elite high priests but all the people of Israel to keep the light burning. At 26, Melissa Kushner founded Yamba Malawi and has been shining light in one of the poorest countries in the world ever since.
This week’s Torah portion, Ki Tisa, highlights the importance of community coming together to give back, as the census commanded each Israelite to give a half-shekel to build and upkeep the Mishkan (Tabernacle.) As February is National Cancer Prevention Month, we are featuring Sharsheret, an organization that provides communal support for Jewish women and families facing breast and ovarian cancer.
Inclusion is an important theme in this week’s Torah portion, Terumah. God tells Moses to include all Israelites in the building of the the Mishkan (Tabernacle), a portable sanctuary for the Israelites to pray in as they wandered in the desert. As February is also Jewish Disability Awareness and Inclusion Month, we are supporting a kosher bakery that professionally trains young adults with learning differences, providing the necessary instructions to enter the pastry, baking and related food industries.
In this week's Torah portion, Mishpatim, we read the rules of owning Jewish slaves. We learn that the act of a person freeing a slave is just as important as God’s act of freeing an entire nation from slavery. This week, Righteous Crowd is honored to support an LA- based organization devoted to ending modern-day slavery and trafficking.
In Parashat Yitro, Moses seeks advice on leadership from his father-in-law, Yitro (Jethro). Jethro’s suggestion is to build a judicial system, whereby judges govern actions of the people. This week we are featuring Tzedek DC, an organization inspired by a central tenet of Jewish teachings, “Tzedek, tzedek tirdof,” or “Justice, justice we shall pursue.” Tzedek DC provides support to low-income residents of Washington, D.C. that face legal problems due to debt-related issues.
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Tu BiShvat or the Jewish New Year for Trees begins Sunday evening, January 20th, so we are featuring an organization that works with the environment to help at-risk youth in Israel. Their unique approach combines farming, community and leadership development to improve the lives of high school dropouts. Amutat Kaima currently oversees four educational farms in Israel and one abroad.